Viewing Room #9 - Residence of Impermanence by Christian Houge
Residence of Impermanence
A Norwegian artist and nature lover sets old trophy animals on fire and gives them a last breath of life before they are set free. His mission is to spark up a dialogue on our relationship to nature, and ultimately, to ourselves. Christian Houges exhibition Residence of Impermanence at Fotografiska is beautiful and thought provoking.
Houge's work forms a message rooted in the now antiquated concepts of colonialism, twinned with a questioning of the overexploitation of Earth's resources. And, unfortunately, the latter remains an urgent issue.
After having collaborated with Christian Houge over the past 15 years, we are thrilled to promote his exhibition at Fotografiska in Stockholm.
Houge’s original art prints are available in 2 different sizes - in editions of 7 + 2 A.P.
Please contact Ellen-K Willas for more details on availability and prices.
Click HERE to open Christian Houge’s CV and read more about the exhibition over at Fotografiska.
Artist talk with Christian Houge at Fotografiska
October 10th at 6pm
Residence of Impermanence is a personal project that raises questions and dialogue on our relationship to nature, and ultimately, to ourselves.
Join us in answering some of these questions, so save the date and let us know if you plan to come!
1 hour RADIO with Christian Houge on Norwegian NRK P2
What do you talk about when you meet Dalai Lama?
Christian Houge photographs burning animals, a fire in an antique store gave him the idea.
In this radio interview he talks about meeting people waiting to die in Varanasi, and his time living with wolves and much, much more.
8 pages article including cover in Finansavisen
Christian Houge’s exhibition Residence of Impermanence was featured in Norwegian newspaper Finansavisen. Article in Norwegian.
The article opens with a click HERE.
Article in Fotografiska Newspaper