See A World In A Grain Of Sand
A Group Show at IVAR - Tändstickspalatset, Stockholm
June 20th - November 19th, 2024
Swedish artist Helene Schmitz once noted that her series Earth Works from Namibia reminded her of an hourglass. As time passed, the empty rooms in the abandoned mine town slowly filled with sand, transforming them into gigantic hourglasses.
The title of our summer exhibition, See a World in a Grain of Sand, is drawn from William Blake's poem Auguries of Innocence, written in 1806. It encapsulates the idea of finding profound meaning in the smallest of things and symbolizes how innocence and wonder allow one to perceive the extraordinary in the ordinary. This sentiment resonates through the works on display, as each photograph encourages viewers to see the world from a new perspective.
Photography stops time, capturing moments and non-moments that might otherwise slip away. Roger Ballen reflects on this idea: "Photography tells you that every second in time is different from every other second." Jimmy Nelson believes, "Photographs open doors into the past, but also allow a look into the future." Vee Speers captures the essence of time in her work: "Photography can stop time and hold it captive in a frame, making the ephemeral eternal."
The exhibition, organized by WILLAS contemporary, features works by Roger Ballen, Jacob Gils*, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Jimmy Nelson, Helene Schmitz, and Vee Speers.
We invite you to visit the Matchstick Palace in the heart of Stockholm and see a world in a grain of sand.
WILLAS contemporary
IVAR - Tändstickspalatset
Västra Trädgårdsgatan 15 - STOCKHOLM
Opening hours of the Matchstick Palace are Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM.
The exhibition is free of charge, but please register before your visit by calling 0046 8-698 87 00 or send an email to IVAR at reception@ivarstockholm.se.
*) The 3 works by Jacob Gils are presented in close collaboration with Anna Zachrisson, Jacob Gils Artist Liaison and agent for Sweden.
![JACOB GILS - Es Capdella #3 2023 [printed in 2024] Japanese handmade Awagami paper, Oak frame.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55ccd7c0e4b07457fdfdb3b7/f5da4fb0-4e12-4c2c-b4a3-927def7f0bd1/Es+Capdella+%233+30+x+20.jpeg)
JACOB GILS - Es Capdella #3 2023 [printed in 2024] Japanese handmade Awagami paper, Oak frame.
![JACOB GILS - Palma #5 2023 [printed in 2024] Japanese handmade Awagami paper, Oak frame.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55ccd7c0e4b07457fdfdb3b7/72272916-f8ca-420a-a001-f3cbdec60cf9/ny+Palma%2B%235%2B30%2Bx%2B20.jpeg)
JACOB GILS - Palma #5 2023 [printed in 2024] Japanese handmade Awagami paper, Oak frame.
![JACOB GILS - Copenhagen 2023 [printed in 2024] Japanese handmade Awagami paper, Oak frame.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55ccd7c0e4b07457fdfdb3b7/cda1316d-3567-4621-825b-7fc956c29f63/copenhagen.jpeg)
JACOB GILS - Copenhagen 2023 [printed in 2024] Japanese handmade Awagami paper, Oak frame.

VEE SPEERS - UNTITLED #13 - DYSTOPIA - Chromogenic dye couple print - Limited Edition - Courtesy WILLAS contemporary

VEE SPEERS - UNTITLED #3 - DYSTOPIA - Chromogenic dye couple print - Limited Edition - Courtesy WILLAS contemporary

VEE SPEERS - UNTITLED #16 - DYSTOPIA - Chromogenic dye couple print - Limited Edition - Courtesy WILLAS contemporary

VEE SPEERS - UNTITLED #15 - DYSTOPIA - Chromogenic dye couple print - Limited Edition - Courtesy WILLAS contemporary

JIMMY NELSON - XXIX 1 Paro Pass, Bhutan - LIMITED EDITION - Archival Pigment Print

JIMMY NELSON - XXI 301 Ni Yakal Villagers Mount Yasur, Tanna Island - Archival Pigment Print - Limited edition

ROGER BALLEN Sergeant F de Bruin, Dept of Prisons Employee, Orange Free State 1992 Limited edition Silver gelatine print.

ROGER BALLEN Scrapcollector Holding Globe - Limited edition Silver gelatine print.

ROGER BALLEN Eugene on the Phone - 2000 Limited edition Silver gelatine print.