Nick Brandt - Halima, Abdul, and Frida, Kenya, 2020 - Courtesy WILLAS contemporary - Archival Pigment Print - Limited editions - Enquire


The Day May Break by Nick Brandt at Sliperiet

WILLAS contemporary is pleased to present Nick Brandt: The Day May Break, an exhibition of new works, photographed in Zimbabwe and Kenya in late 2020 and Bolivia in 2022. It is the first parts of a global series portraying people and animals that have been impacted by environmental degradation and destruction. The people in the photos have all been badly affected by climate change - some displaced by cyclones that destroyed their homes, others such as farmers displaced and impoverished by years-long severe droughts.

The photographs are taken at sanctuaries/ conservancies. The animals are almost all long-term rescues, victims of everything from the poaching of their parents to habitat destruction and poisoning. These animals can never be released back into the wild. As a result, they are habituated, and so it was safe for human strangers to be close to them, and photographed in the same frame at the same time.

The fog is the unifying visual. We increasingly find ourselves in a kind of limbo, a once-recognizable world now fading from view. Created by fog machines on location, this often renders the animals almost a dream, or a memory of what the people once experienced in their lives. It is also an echo of the suffocating smoke from the wildfires, driven by climate change, devastating so much of the planet.

However, in spite of their loss, these people and animals are the survivors. And therein lies possibility and hope.

Nick Brandt is an artist and witness who seizes bleak and desperate fates, and by some mystery and alchemy, transmutes these into a gesture of poignant and painful beauty.

It has been an eon, and then some, since I experienced contemporary photographs of people of African roots created by a person of Euro-American origin, that were this tender, human and gorgeous.

— Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor, from the Foreword to The Day May Break, Author of Dust and The Dragonfly Sea.

Nick Brandt - Najin and people in fog, Kenya, 2020 Courtesy WILLAS contemporary - Archival Pigment Print - Limited editions - Enquire

A landmark body of work by one of photography’s great environmental champions. Showing how deeply our fates are intertwined, Brandt portrays people and animals together, causing us to reflect on the real-life consequences of climate change. Channelling his outrage into quiet determination, the result is a portrait of us all, at a critical moment in the Anthropocene.

— Phillip Prodger, Curator, Author, Photography historian, former Head of Photographs at the National Portrait Gallery, London. 

The book The Day May Break (Hatje Cantz, 2021; 168 pages) and The Day May Break Chapter II (Hatje Cantz, 2023; 144 pages) - will be available for purchase at Sliperiet while supplies last.

A 5% percentage of artists’ and gallery’s share of the print sale proceeds will be evenly distributed on a biannual basis to each of the people photographed, as a kind of ongoing royalty payment. For a project about climate change, this production had better be carbon-neutral. It is.

Where: Sliperiet - Borgvik - Sweden

When: May 20th - August 27th 2023

Opening hours:

W.21-25 Thursday - Sunday 11.00-17.00
W.26-32 Every day 11.00-17.00
W.33-34 Thursday - Sunday 11.00-17.00


Nick Brandt: ´James-and-Fatu_Kenya, 2020´ - Courtesy WILLAS contemporary Archival Pigment Print - Limited editions - Inquire